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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Some news and other news

Well, hello. Got some news tidbits for everyone. I know you like news! Want some news? Here's some news! =D

I just got a new video game! Oh, wait, wrong news...

The new website is completely on hold. Maybe for a long time... =/ I need to come up with the money for making a website. The website I've been trying to set up doesn't like me and is being very uncooperative. So, I'm wanting to use an excellent service called web.com to build the site (I have experience with them, and it really is a great service), but I lack the money. I should have the money eventually, but it would require the website to launch at a much later date than I want.

In other news: Hunter is back at school, so he's not sick anymore. But in a bit of an unexpected surprise to me, I've had influenza A for several days (Since Friday or so) and hadn't known about it until yesterday. =/ I guess having an intense cough for 5 days is a sign that something may be wrong. =P So I'm out of school now, but may be back in a couple days from now since I've had the flu for at least five days. Before you say "Well, how could you not know you have the flu for several days?!" I have your answer right here: I am mysteriously missing a fever. I only had a fever for a few hours, and that was yesterday at school. I have the flu, but no fever...? Something odd with that... =/

Until next time, play nice.


UPDATE: I forgot to clarify something. Since the website may only launch sometime next year, we'll have to keep this blog as the main output of the project until the website launches.


  1. Wow web.com is expensive!

    I could give you one of my old desktops and set it up as a webserver in your house, as long as your ISP is ok with that.

  2. Or you can try www.hostmonster.com, cheaper!

  3. Hey, web.com has a yellow rating on WOT (web of trust), so I wouldn't reccomend trusting that site. Try "webs.com", which used to be freewebs.com; you can start right away without a subscription fee, although if you want your own unique website address, you would need to go premium. But you don't have to.

    Either way, don't use web.com. It doesn't look safe...

  4. I figured out what we will use. =) Really cheap and the service is perfect. I know a couple sites that use it.


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