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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Apple's latest, the iPad

I want one. iPhone OS 3.2 or 4.0 needs multitasking-ish features. But I want one. You may not see it as genuinely awesome or innovative, but Apple's just stickin' to what they know; keeping iPhone software is such a BRILLIANT move: any typical consumer that was washed in the wave of iPhones and iTouch-es can jump right on and fall in love. Again.

It's unfair of anyone to call it a larger iTouch, although - basically - yeah: that's what it is. But that's not a bad thing; bigger is better, after all. So what if us geeks won't have to learn a new interface or deal with intricacies of learning the ins and outs of a more sophisticated desktop-ish OS (Windows, OS X)? Isn't that a good thing? Yes, especially considering geeks are a [somewhat] rare breed, and that the iPhone OS is so fantastic. If you want to tinker with and have fun learning a new desktop OS, look for some Linux... There ya go. Happy? I thought so...

Consider this: if forced to choose one, after familiarizing yourself with each if you don't already know, do you want an Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, or Apple iPad? An iPad? I thought so. Apple has brought their multitouch talent to an entirely new playing field with the iBooks; whether we - people who don't really enjoy reading - care about electronic text or not is another matter: but it matters. This device will inspire many people to read more often because of Apple's amazing product appeal. Reading enhances education, and education can change the world; a = b and b = c, a = c, so - anyway - Apple's revolutionizing society. Again.

The iPad. A giant iTouch? A flat, multitouch netbook from Apple? I want one. And when the 3G-less, Wifi capable models are released a month before the 3G-capable ones, near the end of March, I'll be there. Whether I'll have $700 for the 64GB one - the one iWant - is doubtable, but I'll be there.

"And that's all I have to say about that"


UPDATE: I'm waiting for the second gen because it will be so much better and I don't have the money now anyway. But still, iWant.

What're your thoughts? Let me know in the comments! :)


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