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Friday, August 28, 2009

Quick update

Nintendude and I have, again, been very busy with our everyday lives. So posting has become somewhat difficult. We're also just getting back into school, so posting will be even harder. Sorry! Without further ado, here's today's quick update.

On the subject of learning Java, we have begun our in-school class for Java programming and we should be able to code decently by November. I expect us to be able to code pretty well by March-June 2010. I know this may be WAY off, but it's just an assumption.

In other news, I have recently bought an Xbox 360 Elite, so I may begin to do bits that involve the 360 and it's games. It depends if I have time away from school. And I should start doing a Game of the Month bit every last day of the month beginning in a few days. I might be late every now and then, though.

Until next time, play nice.


Which would you buy?

What is your favorite Halo game?

How often do you use your MP3 Player's shuffle function?

What console(s) do you do most of your gaming on?