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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Learning Java Pt. 3 and Other News

Sorry, but this will have to be short. I might extend this post later, but I'm not sure.

In the Java class Hunter (aka nintendude) and I have been taking, we are now programming simple programs. I believe I said we may reveal the secret by the end of the year or early next year, and I stand by that at this point. We now have a total of 5 involved in the project, if I remember correctly.

To what we have been learning: We made Hello World, the most simple program you can make, and another program that was about several math functions. We learned several other things, too, but I don't have time to list or explain them.

We have been working on a new website, but we have been having a few problems with it. We should have the website up and running soon enough, complete with forums and details of our project.

And jumping to another topic: Hunter (aka nintendude) has caught the H1N1 virus. So, he will be missing school for a long while, including the java class. I hope he won't be part of the small percentage of deaths due to the virus.

I'm out of time, but I may extend this post later. Not sure.

Until next time, play nice.

Kyle (aka WiiGamin)


  1. Yea Hunter is in my prayers! I don't think he will get too bad because the deaths have all been due to pre-existing conditions.

    I'm excited about this surprise!

  2. Thanks for the prayers! If only I knew who I was thanking...
    Yeah, it doesn't seem like I'll be dead any time soon.
    Happy to hear you're excited about our "big surprise". :D


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