It's about an old man who, along with his future wife when they were children, aspired to be an explorer of South America, just like some particular famous explorer he admires. The first ten or fifteen minutes is a well-timed sequence summarizing his life up to being an old man as he is for the rest of the film: being a young boy who aspires to explore South America, meeting a girl who shares his aspirations and love, marrying her, and growing old with her until she tragically becomes ill and passes away. This is a major theme throughout the remainder of the story, as Carl, the old main man, tries to fulfill their original goals of living at a particular South American waterfall and exploring together. He's about to have his home repossessed and be forced into a nursing home when he, a popular neighborhood balloon salesman, uses hundreds to thousands of helium balloons to float his house away, soaring towards South America, and abandoning those who wanted him to move out of his house and into a nursing home. From there, the grand adventure begins! I wouldn't want to give away too much, now would I?
More Trivia: Speaking of score, Up's music was composed by my second favorite movie composer: Michael Giacchino, J.J. Abrams main composer. As I recall he's scored everything J.J. has been an involved leader in except for J.J.'s TV Show "Felicity", which aired before J.J. discovered Giacchino.
I was feeling bored and unwilling to create a new E3 Predictions video on my Youtube; this movie's so great that I'm reinvigorated with inspiration that makes me want to create that video wearing my cool new 3D glasses... lol. Look for my E3 '09 Predictions video within the next 60 hours... Maybe even less than 24. UPDATE: I was unable to record an E3 Predictions Video; I apologize.
Well, that's almost all I might have to say about Up. Go see it with your girlfriends, your families, or yourself as soon as possible. Probably right after you finish watching Star Trek or Terminator to lighten the mood...
Thanks for stopping by.
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